Coming Home to Our True Nature

with expert Leslie Brown


Leslie has been on the recovery and discovery path for over thirty years. Following guidance from her dreams, her Higher Self, synchronicities, and the wisdom of Nature, her life has become a continual shedding, composting, regeneration, growth and embodiment process. She is a guide for those who feel called to befriend and rewild their multifaceted Self with self compassion, embody their True Nature, and allow their soul to blossom into its authentic expression. It is a spiraling path of growth, release and integration. A journey of inner and outer union.

Leslie has a Masters in Social Work. She worked as a Crisis Counselor with adolescents and their families on the East Coast, specializing in addictions, grief groups, and community healing ceremonies. In 2012 she moved to the West Coast and became a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Qigong Instructor. Her own healing journey has led her to study the ancient wisdom teachings of Shamanism, Astrology, Gene Keys, Human Design, Dreamwork, and Inner Alchemy from multiple perspectives.

Leslie loves to learn, adores Nature, and is a lifelong student of life. Her passion is to share what she has experienced along the winding path, and to be a guide for those who are also seeking to restore their connection with their sacred body temple, their inner child, their inner wisdom, and the natural world all around us. May we embody peace, inner wealth, and aliveness as we walk together in harmony on the New Earth in the Age of Aquarius.