Bridging Inner and Outer Worlds

with expert Jannice Foreman


Having a Spiritual Practice has allowed me to touch on that spiritual connection deep within and to trust my intuition and deep knowing. I have been able to walk through fear by creating a strong Inner World which has allowed me to face the challenges of the Outer World with courage and resilience. I’m hoping that your Spiritual Practice will do the same for you.

I would like to share with you two PDF files that can be printed off: Guidelines for Setting Up a Spiritual Practice and Spiritual Practices Guide: Twelve Spiritual Practices. Whether you are just beginning or you already have a Spiritual Practice, you will find helpful information in both guides.

I am also available via zoom for a conversation. My contact information is available on my website.

A life-altering diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis set Jannice on a path of spiritual practices that has had a powerful impact, not only on her health, but also on how she views life and how she lives her life. From the challenges she experienced physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, she has come to a place of acceptance and healing where she recognizes the gift this diagnosis has been.

Spiritual practices have been an integral part of Jannice’s life for over 20 years. She is passionate about being an energy practitioner and instructor with the Healing Pathway Society and with supporting and mentoring others.

Jannice hopes that others will explore the power of spiritual practices on their path to healing, inner growth and empowerment. By encouraging others with their Spiritual Practices as they bridge their inner and outer worlds, Jannice assists them in strengthening their inner light and finding their own path forward.