Embracing Who We Are

with expert Susie Spens


Get access to this free meditation and a talk on ‘Our True Identity’ plus upcoming events.


Susie is a homeopath, a transformational coach and a writer. She is also qualified in Bi-aura Energy Healing and to teach Ki Gong and Body and Brain yoga. Susie worked in publishing, film, theatre and TV for 15 years before retraining as a homeopath with the Centre of Homeopathic Education in New York and London. Subsequently she trained as a transformational coach using the Three Principles understanding as discovered by Sydney Banks. She now works with both individuals and groups as a coach or homeopath and creates bespoke packages combining both. She focuses on revealing the clients own innate power and helps people to understand the nature of their True Identity. Once this happens, health, freedom and success are just a natural evolution.

Susie has worked with leading names in Transformational coaching including Jamie Smart, Ian Watson, Chip and Jan Chipman and Dicken Bettinger. She has studied under some of the most pioneering homeopaths in the field including Colin Griffiths, Gordon Sambridge and Helen Johnson. She lives in London and Hampshire with her husband, two children and two dogs.