Finding Purpose in the Face of Adversity

with expert Carrie Asuncion


Up-Level Your Brilliance is a short quiz to help women identify the next steps to living life with purpose.

Carrie is a high energy, powerhouse who blends business know-how with intuitive insight to guide women to tap into their purpose and passion so they create lives that they love!

She’s on a mission to connect women to themselves and to each other as we mine the gold in our struggles. She offers years of deep inquiry: a MA in Energy Psychology, 10+ years in corporate Human Resources, and years of advanced studies in spirituality to help clients deeply connect to their inner wisdom. Clients rave that she’s a unique blend of feet on the ground common sense and magic!

Carrie offers an assortment of ways to help clients tap into their purpose, passion and profitability including- “Be the Queen of your Destiny” and “Bring Your Zing” programs.   Her newest offerings-“Abundance Activations” and “Reignite Your Inner Fire” help clients to clear their doubts, fears and confusion so they can confidently move their lives forward with joy, ease and connection.

She lives an active lifestyle on the Central Coast of California- dancing, sailing, hiking and biking while living in a co-housing community with her 3 playful cats, overlooking 10+ acres of oak trees.