Trust Your Intuition

How to become the leader of your own life!

Your Unique Intuition Blueprint

with expert Lesley Phillips Ph.D.


Intuition and Chakras Infographic: Learn about your psychic abilities and chakras with this free infographic. Once downloaded, hover your mouse over any part of the chart to reveal more information!


She also wants to invite you to take advantage of her other gifts:

  • Awaken Your Intuition Webinar. Get it here!
  • Test Your ​Psychic Abilities: Find out if you are Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Claircognizant or Clairaudient. Get it here!
  • Finally the infographic contains a link that will open up additional opportunities mentioned in the interview!


Dr. Lesley Phillips is the author of Intuition and Chakras, a book that helps you work with energy to safely open your unique profile of psychic abilities. She is a Ph.D. scientist who became a psychic and is now on a mission to make the extraordinary ordinary and the supernatural natural. Her passion is to empower others to follow their guidance.

To this end, she founded the School of Intuition, an online psychic development school. Lesley also hosts an award-winning radio show and podcast called Unlocking Your Truth. She wants to help people shift from mystery to mastery when it comes to meditation, intuition and energy. She wrote her first book, The Midas Tree, which is a spiritual adventure novel, to make learning meditation fun for everyone, including kids. Rev. Dr. Lesley Phillips is a spiritual teacher, and energy master. She’s taught 1000’s over the last 20 years in classes, readings, healings and meditation. She is an ordained minister, spiritual counselor and teacher (C.D.M. Spiritual Teaching Center, WA, USA). Her Ph.D. is in natural product discovery. She used to search the Earth for new medicines, and was a biotech executive. This blend of scientist and mystic appeals to people who wish to connect intellect and intuition. Lesley grew up in the UK and Australia and has lived in Canada since 1998.