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Our Professional Experts

Phoenix Rising Star

Reclaim Your Purpose, Power and Passion!

Holly Bilicki

What is Beauty Wisdom

Elizabeth Foley

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Margaret Paul

Inner Bonding: The Power to Heal Yourself

Joyce van der Lely

Find Your Force

Dipika Delmenico

Conscious Womanhood. The Substance of Your Story.

Junie Swadron

Your Life Matters!

Jodeen Bergstrom

The Power of Persistence in Rebuilding After 50

Dawn Montefusco

How to Break Through Resistance and Honor Your Calling

Sonia Bueno de la Torre

Shift Your Energy and Set Your Soul Free

Our InStory Experts

Leslie Brown

Befriending Our Whole Self

Elizabeth Evans

Feeling Stuck to Being in the Flow

Ana Sumner

Soul Creatives: Co-creating with Light

Isabel Chiara

Trusting Your Past into Your Own Legacy!

Bridget Anderson

Shine Your Light Brighter by Releasing the Darkness Within

Nancy McCoy

Dream Your Life

Aline Davis

Aligning to Your Authentic Self

Janice Scissors

Don't Hide Behind Your Clutter

Beverly Coogan

The Gift of Adversity

Devorah Spilman

How To Tell Your Story